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Breaking the Seal

material: small vintage hammer, mixed red sealing wax

dimensions: 21 x 7 x 2 cm

Piece Unique

Birgit Stulens - Breaking the Seal

SKU: 2022_BS_BTS
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  • To whom it may concern is a number of works treating the theme of negative space.  The message appears to be absent or is sabotaged, muffled.  In Breaking the Seal, the work will be destroyed if one would choose to actually use the hammer. There lies a dilemma between fragility and brutality.

  • Birgit Stulens' hidden world unfolds in the sporadic production of small works, within a concept that occupies her thoughts for years.  As founder of CABINET39, she uses this platform to publicly present these works as a gradually growing series called To Whom it May Concern. Don't take them too seriously.

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